How can I get rid habit of masturbation?
“I started masturbating when I was eight. Later I found out how God views this. I felt really bad every time I couldn't resist. I thought, 'How can God love someone like me?' "- Luiz.
When you reach puberty, the sexual feelings can become very strong. It can lead to masturbation, and it can then become a habit. * Many say there is no danger with it. "Nobody gets hurt," they say. But you actually have every reason to avoid this habit. The Apostle Paul wrote: "Therefore kill your members ... as far as ... sexual suffering." (Colossians 3: 5) Masturbation does not kill sexual desire but instead reinforces it. Then you should also think about these things:
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Masturbation makes you very focused on yourself. For example, those who masturbate are completely occupied with their own feelings and experiences.
Masturbation can make you begin to see those of the opposite sex as objects or tools that you only use to satisfy yourself.
The selfish way of thinking that this habit easily leads to can make it difficult to have a satisfying sex life in marriage.
Try to work on self-restraint instead of resorting to masturbation to put an end to sexual desires. (1 Thessalonians 4: 4, 5) In order to succeed, the Bible recommends that you avoid anything that may awaken such feelings. (Proverbs 5: 8, 9) But what can you do if you already have this habit and have a hard time breaking it? You may have tried to quit but failed. Then it can be easy to think that you are a hopeless case, that you simply cannot adhere to God's standards. That's how Pedro thought. "When I had a relapse, I felt terribly bad," he says. “I thought I could never be forgiven. I had a very hard time praying to Jehovah. ”
You may feel the same, but don't give up. You're not a hopeless case. Many young people - and adults - have managed to break this habit, and so can you!
Manage debt feelings
As we have already said, those who have adopted the habit of masturbating often feel guilty. Being distressed "in a way God wants" can motivate you to quit this habit. (2 Corinthians 7:11) But if the feelings of guilt become excessively strong, it can have negative effects. It can cause you to "lose ... the courage" and feel so bad that you can't fight anymore. (Proverbs 24:10)
Therefore, try to see the situation in the right perspective. Masturbation is a form of impurity that can make us "slaves under various desires and pleasures" and make us think in an unhealthy way. (Titus 3: 3) But at the same time, it is not a form of gross sexual immorality, such as having sex with someone you are not married to. (Judas, verse 7) Therefore, if you have problems with masturbation, do not think that you have committed a sin for which you cannot be forgiven. The important thing is that you resist the desire and never stop fighting!
It is easy to become very sad when you have failed and yielded. But when that happens, think of what is in Proverbs 24:16: “Though the righteous fall seven times, he will rise again; but the wicked fall for the accident. ”A temporary hardship does not make you a wicked person. So don't give up. Instead, think about what it was that caused you to relapse, and try not to end up in that situation again.
Take time to think about how loving and merciful Jehovah is. The psalmist David, who himself repeatedly acted wrongly, said: “As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah shows mercy to those who fear him. For he knows how we are shaped, he remembers that we are dust. ”(Psalm 103: 13, 14) Yes, Jehovah takes into account that we are imperfect, and he is“ ready to forgive ”. (Psalm 86: 5) But on the other hand, he wants us to fight to improve ourselves. So what could you do to break your habit?
Be careful what you look at. Do you watch TV shows, movies or pages on the internet that arouse sexual feelings? The psalmist prayed to Jehovah like this: "Turn away my eyes, lest they see what is worthless." * (Psalm 119: 37)
Force yourself to think of something else. A young Christian named William gives this suggestion: “Read something spiritual before going to bed. It is very important that the last thing you think about before falling asleep is something spiritual. ”(Philippians 4: 8)
Talk to someone about the problem. This topic can be difficult to address because of being ashamed. But talking to someone you trust can really help you. This was something David was involved with. He says: “I talked to Dad, and I will never forget what he said. He smiled kindly at me and said, 'I'm so proud of you.' He understood how hard it had been for me to take this step. It was the most encouraging thing he could have said, and it made me even more determined to
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