Thursday, October 31, 2019

How can I get rid habit of masturbation

How can I get rid habit of masturbation?

“I started masturbating when I was eight. Later I found out how God views this. I felt really bad every time I couldn't resist. I thought, 'How can God love someone like me?' "- Luiz.

When you reach puberty, the sexual feelings can become very strong. It can lead to masturbation, and it can then become a habit. * Many say there is no danger with it. "Nobody gets hurt," they say. But you actually have every reason to avoid this habit. The Apostle Paul wrote: "Therefore kill your members ... as far as ... sexual suffering." (Colossians 3: 5) Masturbation does not kill sexual desire but instead reinforces it. Then you should also think about these things:

 Masturbation makes you very focused on yourself. For example, those who masturbate are completely occupied with their own feelings and experiences.

 Masturbation can make you begin to see those of the opposite sex as objects or tools that you only use to satisfy yourself.

 The selfish way of thinking that this habit easily leads to can make it difficult to have a satisfying sex life in marriage.

Try to work on self-restraint instead of resorting to masturbation to put an end to sexual desires. (1 Thessalonians 4: 4, 5) In order to succeed, the Bible recommends that you avoid anything that may awaken such feelings. (Proverbs 5: 8, 9) But what can you do if you already have this habit and have a hard time breaking it? You may have tried to quit but failed. Then it can be easy to think that you are a hopeless case, that you simply cannot adhere to God's standards. That's how Pedro thought. "When I had a relapse, I felt terribly bad," he says. “I thought I could never be forgiven. I had a very hard time praying to Jehovah. ”

You may feel the same, but don't give up. You're not a hopeless case. Many young people - and adults - have managed to break this habit, and so can you!

Manage debt feelings

As we have already said, those who have adopted the habit of masturbating often feel guilty. Being distressed "in a way God wants" can motivate you to quit this habit. (2 Corinthians 7:11) But if the feelings of guilt become excessively strong, it can have negative effects. It can cause you to "lose ... the courage" and feel so bad that you can't fight anymore. (Proverbs 24:10)

Therefore, try to see the situation in the right perspective. Masturbation is a form of impurity that can make us "slaves under various desires and pleasures" and make us think in an unhealthy way. (Titus 3: 3) But at the same time, it is not a form of gross sexual immorality, such as having sex with someone you are not married to. (Judas, verse 7) Therefore, if you have problems with masturbation, do not think that you have committed a sin for which you cannot be forgiven. The important thing is that you resist the desire and never stop fighting!

It is easy to become very sad when you have failed and yielded. But when that happens, think of what is in Proverbs 24:16: “Though the righteous fall seven times, he will rise again; but the wicked fall for the accident. ”A temporary hardship does not make you a wicked person. So don't give up. Instead, think about what it was that caused you to relapse, and try not to end up in that situation again.

Take time to think about how loving and merciful Jehovah is. The psalmist David, who himself repeatedly acted wrongly, said: “As a father shows mercy to his sons, Jehovah shows mercy to those who fear him. For he knows how we are shaped, he remembers that we are dust. ”(Psalm 103: 13, 14) Yes, Jehovah takes into account that we are imperfect, and he is“ ready to forgive ”. (Psalm 86: 5) But on the other hand, he wants us to fight to improve ourselves. So what could you do to break your habit?

Be careful what you look at. Do you watch TV shows, movies or pages on the internet that arouse sexual feelings? The psalmist prayed to Jehovah like this: "Turn away my eyes, lest they see what is worthless." * (Psalm 119: 37)

Force yourself to think of something else. A young Christian named William gives this suggestion: “Read something spiritual before going to bed. It is very important that the last thing you think about before falling asleep is something spiritual. ”(Philippians 4: 8)

Talk to someone about the problem. This topic can be difficult to address because of being ashamed. But talking to someone you trust can really help you. This was something David was involved with. He says: “I talked to Dad, and I will never forget what he said. He smiled kindly at me and said, 'I'm so proud of you.' He understood how hard it had been for me to take this step. It was the most encouraging thing he could have said, and it made me even more determined to

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

how to make up deficiency of sex hormone

Three ways to boost your testosterone

Low sex drive, irritation, anger, fatigue, depression and decreased muscle mass? You may have low testosterone levels!
Here are three ways to increase your testosterone naturally.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone that stands for virility, strength, confidence and energy. Deficiency is nothing unusual.

 Also read: Do you have old man PMS? You may have testosterone deficiency!

how to make up deficiency of sex hormone

Common causes of deficiency

On the contrary, lack of testosterone is common in men in the Western world as a result of a diet rich in sugar and substitute products that effectively lowers sex hormones and contributes to obesity and obesity. Testosterone also affects women's sexual desire and muscle mass.
Martina Johansson, a civil engineer, blogger and author of the book "The Hormone Bible", among others, shares her tips.

>>>>>>>> best Sexual treatment

 Also read: Little Guide to Hormones
Some pluses and minuses for the production of testosterone:

Vitamins, minerals and supplements
+ Zinc affects testosterone levels which can be increased with a supplement. Zinc is also an important component of the seminal fluid in men and deficiency reduces the number of sperm. Here you can read more about zinc.
+ The combination of magnesium, vitamin B6 and zinc has a positive effect on testosterone and can be combined with benefit.
Vitamin D affects the balance between our hormone levels. Too little vitamin D raises the level of some hormones and lowers the levels of others, including lowering vitamin D testosterone levels. It is also believed that a deficiency can affect the ability to have children.
+ Vitamin B3 affects the formation of sex hormones and can increase testosterone levels.
+ For men, supplements with tribulus terrestris (beetroot) can also work well. The nut contains no hormones but is thought to affect a hormone from the pituitary gland that increases the production of testosterone.

 Small guide to important vitamins

Diet and nutrition
+ Cholesterol and saturated fat form the basis of our cell membranes and sex hormones, therefore low-fat diet is devastating for fertility.
+ Broccoli counteracts estrogen and thus promotes testosterone, as they are antagonists.
+ Eat natural food; meat, fish, vegetables, nuts and berries.
+ Eggs and butter are good foods that promote hormonal balance, as well as coconut oil.
- Sugar and everything that affects blood sugar promote fat storage and estrogen production, which is negative for testosterone production.
- Soy contains phytoestrogens and can cause hormonal disorder by imitating estrogen.
- Licorice can have estrogenic effects.
- Alcohol in general and beer in particular increases obesity and is a disaster for testosterone production.
- Cholesterol-lowering statins are not good for health and reduce levels of sex hormones.

Also read: "Hormone disorders become more common due to unnatural food"

Lifestyle and exercise

+ Sleep is important for testosterone production! Sleep well during the night and make sure you sleep at the right times. The body secretes testosterone into pulses of 90-minute cycles throughout the night, starting at 22.30 (slightly varying depending on the season) until five in the morning. By sleeping during this period, you get all the pulses and thus higher average levels of testosterone compared to going to bed very late at night.
+ Exercise heavy strength training and sprints. Both heavy lifting and explosive exercises release testosterone.
- Being overweight lowers testosterone. Lose fat - low fat percentage gives less estrogen and more testosterone.
- Long-term stress and stress factors such as caffeine, taurine and energy drinks reduce testosterone.
 Also read: More testosterone and less cramps with magnesium

Monday, October 28, 2019

Activity of sex hormone

Activity of sex hormone

a steroid hormone that stimulates development of male secondary sexual characteristics, produced mainly in the testes, but also in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.
Now while females don't have high levels of testosterone , they still do have levels of this hormone
Both red blood cells and testosterone drop as the body becomes fatigued, impairing performance.

Both red blood cells and testosterone drop as the body becomes fatigued, impairing performance.
In the longer term, it interferes with the production of the male hormone testosterone , which can reduce libido.
Anabolic steroids are drugs that are related to testosterone , a male hormone.
The physiological consequences of taking testosterone and human growth hormone are not yet fully known.
activity of sex hormone
Science writer Bob Beale looks at some of the myths surrounding the male hormone testosterone .
There is evidence now that testosterone may be as useful as oestrogen in maintaining alertness.
Women wear the patch on their abdomen, where it gradually releases a dose of testosterone into the body through the skin.
Precisely how testosterone may trigger violence in the brain is a mystery.
A rush of testosterone and adrenaline buoys you through to the last rep of the last set.
Females naturally produce testosterone , but not in anything like quantities found in males.
The testicles are glands that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone .
It's caused by the male hormone testosterone fluctuating, and highs and lows are perfectly normal at his age.
They have more testosterone which gives them more explosive energy.
He may be exhausted, but the adrenaline, testosterone and venom coursing through his veins will see him through.
Hormone treatments are appropriate for those who have too little testosterone or too much prolactin in their blood.
Men who have low levels of the male hormone, testosterone , are also at a higher risk of osteoporosis.
The male hormone, testosterone , also helps to keep the bones healthy.
Finally, the adrenal cortex produces the male sex hormone testosterone .
Now while females don't have high levels of testosterone , they still do have levels of this hormone.
Following therapy, angina patients using testosterone could walk further and had fewer symptoms.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

remedy of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

It is difficult to say what is premature ejaculation because intercourse is different in length. Some always get triggered early without them or their partners experiencing it as a problem. You may have premature ejaculation if you get ejaculation earlier than you and your partner want on repeated occasions. Read more about premature ejaculation here.
Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual disorder in men and affects men of all ages.

Symptoms of premature ejaculation

It is not possible to say exactly what is premature ejaculation. After all, intercourse is different and it also varies from person to person when early ejaculation is troublesome. Some signs of premature ejaculation may be:

you get ejaculation before you start intercourse
you get ejaculation after a minute of intercourse
You feel that you have little or no control over your ejaculation.
There are two types of premature ejaculation:

remedy premature ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation

lifelong (primary) ejaculation - which means you have always had early ejaculation
Acquired (secondary) ejaculation - which means you have not always had early ejaculation.
Reasons for premature ejaculation
There are several reasons for premature ejaculation. Psychological causes - those belonging to emotional life - are the most common. Here are some reasons for premature ejaculation:

inflammation or infection of the prostate or urethra
drug treatment
congenital behavior
the mechanism behind triggering responds too quickly
inability to get an erection - when it is difficult to maintain the erection throughout the intercourse, it can cause you to rush through the intercourse and get ejaculation early
worry and stress
performance anxiety
problems in the relationship - if you have not had problems with premature ejaculation in previous relationships, or that it only happened sometime, your problems may be due to problems in the relationship you have now
damage to the nervous system - can occur in the event of an accident or surgery
early experiences - such as the urgency to get triggered to avoid detection or guilt about masturbation or sex.

What you can do for yourself

There are many ways that can help you take control of your ejaculation:

Use condom - condoms reduce your feeling a bit and can extend the time before ejaculation. There are also condoms that are made just to delay ejaculation.
therapy - can reduce performance anxiety and cause less anxiety and stress. It can also help solve problems that cause premature ejaculation. If you have a partner it is good if you both participate because it is a common problem.
Exercise the pelvic floor muscles (muscles located in the lower abdomen). It helps you control both your ejaculation and erection.
Exercises - Feel free to ask a sexologist (specialist on sexuality) about which is best for you.
Treatment for premature ejaculation
If you find that your premature ejaculation is a problem for you and your partner, there is help. For example, there are different types of prescription drugs. Anesthetic ointment about 20 minutes before intercourse can be one alternative and antidepressant another, where some are taken daily and others if needed. If you have an erection at the same time, there are drugs that are adapted for it. If that doesn't help, you can try another drug that extends the time of ejaculation up to three times. Consult your doctor about the treatment.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to reduce fat | loss weight

How do I lose weight?

As a dietitian and trainer, I am often asked which is the "best" method for weight loss. The majority of those who ask me exercise regularly and have understood the importance of preserving their muscle mass. The questions are usually about the possibility of losing fat but at the same time preserving (or even increasing) their muscle mass. This post is intended to answer that question and provide you with the aim of practical guidance on how to proceed.

Why do you want to preserve muscle mass?

The term "Definitely" is used to emphasize that it is a weight loss where the goal is to preserve as much of its muscle mass as possible. So it's about losing fat and not muscle.
how to reduce fat

Actually, I don't understand why it would make sense to make a difference between a "diet" and a "Definitely". It's always good to have the goal of losing as little muscle as possible during your weight loss. Not because it will lead to a certain look, but because your muscles are your quality kiosks. By not losing too much muscle, it is easier to maintain your new body weight, increase your basic metabolism (BMR), get stronger and get better health (1). Over the years, atrophy (atrophy) of the muscle mass occurs, making it even more relevant for those over 60 to always strive to build / maintain muscle as much as possible (2).

I therefore propose a paradigm shift where we change the terminology! Instead of "weight loss" (which is too blunt) or "Definitely" (which is associated with the appearance and fitness industry) we should use the term fat loss. In most cases, that's exactly what we're looking for. So how are you doing?


There is a constant turnover of the amount of fat and protein in the body where the sum of the turnover determines if you increase, decrease or retain the mass. These two systems are not directly interdependent, but both are affected by the energy balance where a negative energy balance promotes fat oxidation and a positive energy balance promotes protein synthesis. But there are ways to achieve a negative fat metabolism and a positive protein metabolism in the body! (3).

Protein turnover = Protein synthesis - Protein degradation
Fat conversion = Fat storage - Fat oxidation
It is therefore possible to lose fat and maintain or gain muscle, but it requires a little trix and it becomes more difficult for you who already have a low fat percentage.
how to loss weight

TO REDUCE the fat you need

Exposing the body to a (legally large) NEGATIVE energy balance
So eat less food than you currently do. You do not need to calculate your energy intake and compare it with your energy needs if you do not want to. If you weigh the same thing as you did recently, you are in a balance of energy and can simply decide to eat a little less than you currently do. Then the body eventually takes up its reserves and you will decrease in fat mass.

One tip is to start by excluding things that are not well saturated (such as calories in liquid form such as beer, juice and sugary soda) as well as foods that you know you have a hard time stopping eating even when you are physiologically measured (ice cream, pizza, sweets, chips, cookies, fast food and the like). In many cases, it is all about stopping eating before you get filled, but not cutting the food too drastically as it often results in you eventually compensating when you release the garden.

You increase the likelihood of reducing mainly in fat and not in muscle if you make sure to create a small energy frame, it must not be too large. If you lose more than half a kilo a week, your deficit is too large and you need to increase your intake, slow down if you want to maintain your strength. So being extremely slim is not something I recommend. Take it easy!

 Increase the muscle mass you need 

It is by lifting weights that you can stimulate protein synthesis! Intuitively, many believe that fitness training burns more calories, so it is best to perform if the goal is a weight loss. The truth is that fitness training has a tendency to significantly increase your appetite (4), which can cause you to lose weight for you. Strength training is also a better tool for those who want to preserve / build muscle mass by promoting protein synthesis. To stimulate and not break down muscle mass you should exercise vigorously but not too much. Exercise can be directly counterproductive for those who want to keep the muscle! Read more about how you can think about the dosage of exercise and exercise choices in Jacob Gudiol's article on Definitely.

Eat enough protein

To optimally stimulate muscle mass, about 1.5 g of protein / kg body weight and day seems sufficient (5). But these figures are based on the fact that you are in the energy balance.

Monday, September 30, 2019

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Monday, September 23, 2019

Tips For Fast Weight Loss

 Tips For Fast Weight Loss

 Best Tips for Weight Loss 

Do you have a beach body? If not, what strategies do you have for getting that body that outperforms Victoria's Secret models?
If you want to lose weight, starving yourself and failing to eat some food give you ultimate solution. You can lose several pounds in less within a week, but unfortunately this is not the best solution. In contrast, it can be detrimental not only to the body, but also to health in the long run. Or worse, you may get sick which makes it even harder to get back on track. 

The good news is that there are easy and best ways to lose weight quickly without risking your health. These tips, even if they do not guarantee a hundred percent success, will definitely help you lose weight quickly and in the right way. Print out this post, make a list of steps, and paste it into your planning calendar or save a copy on the phone, you'll need it more than anything else.

"I want to lose a pound and a half," says Regina George, everyone's favorite Mean Girl. You know yourself, though, and you want to lose more than a pound. Since you are tired of walking around in shirts marked "L" and buy pants that are worn for days, the waist size is no more than.
Don't worry. We take you, and we want to help you on this journey. No matter how much you struggle to get rid of tired stomach and fat, you cannot lose a lot of weight suddenly. If you want to lose weight really fast, this list may be exactly what you need - carefully choosing what you eat and everything in between:

.Drink water and lose weight fast.

Are you trying to find the simplest ways that to slenderize fast? In that case, drink those sweet, carbonated drinks and instead drink plenty of water. It is an ideal weight loss drink, as it contains no calories or sugars and very little salt. Also, water helps to cleanse the body of fluids and toxins to boost metabolism.

Do you think it's just boring with water? For a little spice you can add lemon or mint leaves. You can eat foods that contain a lot of water, such as watermelon, grapes, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Tip: Drink a large glass of water at least 30 minutes before all planned meals. It makes you feel weak and through it you eat less, which means you have a better chance of losing weight in the long run.
weight loss

 Keeping a cup of coffee a day away.

Good news, coffee drinker. Caffeine in coffee is a good source of antioxidants that protect the cells, naturally helping to increase diuretics and metabolism. You can drink up to 4 cups of coffee - but we recommend avoiding sugar and cream.

Unless you are a coffee drinker, tea works just as well. Tea is also a natural diuretic and helps you lose weight faster. Make sure you choose the Green Tea, Fenugreek Route or Dandelion.

Choose vegetables instead of refined carbohydrates.

While white rice, bread and pasta may give you a feeling of contentment, it is not good for the body as you are easily hungry again. Whole grain is another option, but you want to avoid this tingling feeling.

So choose vegetables instead.

Eat cauliflower rice instead of white rice and substitute French fries with carrots and dips. You can also use cal, cougar, lettuce, celery, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, which have very low carbohydrates. Vegetables are more effective, contain more water and burn more slowly; You felt even longer.

 Don't be afraid of fat (right) when you want to lose weight fast Fat was most often produced as ominous but it has been found that it is one of the best foods your body can give. Your body actually needs fat to work the metabolism and give you energy, which helps you lose weight faster.

Here area unit a number of the simplest sources of fat:

 Coconut oil, which is rich in medium-length triglycerides
Olive oil
Avocado oil
weight loss foods

 Never skip protein.

Do you really want to lose weight fast? In that case you should never avoid protein-rich foods.
Protein is the king of nutrition. It initiates metabolism, reduces food intake and reduces the urge to eat at night. As a result, you are longer saturated and can reduce your calorie intake by 400 calories or more.

Here are some sources of protein:

Seafood - shrimp, salmon, molasses and trout
Meat - chicken (without skin), beef, pork or lamb let
Eggs are rich in omega 3 or free range chicken
Your. Be wise when it comes to choosing your carbohydrates.
Like carbohydrates, carbohydrates have also been found to be harmful to health. However, the sugar was eliminated.

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How can I get rid habit of masturbation

How can I get rid habit of masturbation? “I started masturbating when I was eight. Later I found out how God views this. I felt really ...

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